Friday, January 20, 2012

Finally, Red Dirt's Baristas and Keiki Spreading the Aloha Spirit

Sadly, we come to the final post in our series showcasing Red Dirt's 2nd Annual Aloha Coffee and Cultural Festival. 

In this closing post, we focus on our beloved Baristas and Keiki...

Desi was there in the early morning hours (well, not so early) to help set-up...

...and to greet customers...

...and to welcome old friends (Bella used to be one of our Beloved Baristas :-)

Then, there was Chris, who kinda wandered around with Jess ;-)...

...oh, here he is at the Hawaiian Coffee Tasting booth, with Correen, Jess, and Robin...

...and, again (wait, that's not one of our Baristas!)...

Jess, trying to take a lunch break (Robb didn't get a plate :-(...

And, we had the events "closers", Robin and Correen workin' it...

Here's Correen training our next generation of Baristas...

And we can't forget our Adorable Jayme (who was holding down the fort at the Coffee Shop)...

Finally, here are Red Dirt's "part-time" Baristas (we stay behind the scenes so the fresh, young faces of Red Dirt can represent!)...

On to our Keiki!  Bear with me on this one because we had a lot of cute photos to choose from...

...and we fade off into the sunset (or, as was the case this day, the fogbank that rolled in), as we bid Red Dirt's 2nd Annual Aloha Coffee and Cultural Festival a fond farewell (until this coming October, of course.  We already have our 3rd annual in the works :-)!

Mahalo to everyone who participated, helped, and enjoyed the day with us!

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